Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Call for Ideas: My Sustainable Dream 2013

The Environment is changing day by day and it has invited big problems like climate change, water scarcity, deforestation and desertification, loss in production, increase in natural disasters and many more which has been threatening the lives of all living organisms. The impacts of the change are not distributed equally but it has been well agreed that everyone is the victim and the youth are the most affected generation. The problems and their solutions are different in different communities, locations and generations. Most of us are aware of the changing nature of the environment, quick actions from ground level and the need of sustainability, few of us are already on the way to sustainability but many lag behind as their ideas are still in doom. The actions that have been implemented in a place may be replicated to other place; therefore, it is high time to share the concept of dreams.

Youth Action Fund has been supporting different youth initiative among young people in Nepal. This project “The Environ Vibes-Social Networking on the Move” is a project awarded to Ms. Kabita Gautam who has been connecting young people through social media for environmental sustainability. “Call for Ideas: My Sustainable Dream” is one of several events of this project. Interested candidates are requested to send their ideas with the guidelines below. 

Guidelines for competition 

1. The dreams should link the rural and the urban youth for sustainable development (e.g. green entrepreneurship, green economy and green technology) in an innovative ways of campaigning/raising awareness. Local, low cost, feasible, replicable and innovative ideas will get the first priority. 

2. Ideas should be in narrative format not exceeding 300 words. (Just like a summary.)

3. The concept should be submitted to with the following details:
  • Full Name
  • Age
  • Address
  • Contact Number
4. Young people from the age of 14 to 29 can participate in this competition and priority will be given to those who are studying or working in rural areas of Nepal. 

5. Please put the file name as: My Dream_Your Name (Like: My Dream_Rajesh Hamal) and the format of the file should be in MS Word. 

6. The language of the dream should be either English or Nepali, the third language will not be considered.

Submission Deadline Extended to 30 April 2013


The entries will be then judged in two steps as follows: 

Step I: By the jury panels by marking on the basis of innovation, feasibility and meeting the guidelines as mentioned above. 

Step II: The selected ideas from Step I will be then posted in the blog of “The Environ Vibes-Social Networking on the Move”. The links of the ideas will be then promoted via other social media like Facebook, Twitter, etc. The final judgment will be done the basis of likes, comments, shares and post views in the blog. 

The best dream will be rewarded and selected concepts will be published openly and kept in marketplace, where interested donors may fund fully or partially to the projects. 

For more information, please write to Ms. Kabita Gautam at 

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